few rules for monkhall (monkhopton)
Venue: Monkhall Fishery, Monkhopton, Nr Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 6XF
Telephone : 01746 785 481
Pool: Swallow Pool
Date: Sunday 19th April 2015
Fishing Time: 10am to 3pm
Peg Draw: 8:45am prompt
Venue Details:
Welcome to Monkhall Fishery, you will find the Fishery in 27 acres of beautiful Shropshire countryside in between Bridgnorth and Craven Arms.
Under new ownership since may 2013, a lot of time and money has been put into the fishery to get it where it deserves to be.
A warm welcome awaits you at Monkhall, there is a cafe that opens on a Sunday for matches.
The on-site cafe, serves hot food, hot and cold drinks, and is open every match day, and for club bookings any day of the week if requested.
For £6 you get 2 bacon, 2 sausage, 2 eggs, a ring of black pudding, a hash brown, plenty of beans and tomatoes, a cuppa, and as much bread and butter or toast as you like. Sandwich prices vary.
There is also a fisherman's toilet on the house, with hot and cold running water.
The fishery aims to hold matches on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday (over 50's), and Thursday (costcutter).
The fishery asks anglers to book on for Opens
For match details, and upcoming events see their "matches" section on their website at