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soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 12:33 pm
by Woodhouse
Your right Joff...Dave K is definately at Barford!

And he has just heard the winter league has been moved to the canal!


soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 12:35 pm
by pj1939
toff needs the big guns in now mate Image Image
why your on lee is there any bloodworm matches on the sat need a good match to kick off the bloodworm season

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 12:37 pm
by joffmiester
Image Imagegood idea marks got a new gun Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 12:40 pm
by joffmiester
its not me they should worry about i can see in bombers eyes mate he will throw one tomorrow BIG STYLE  Imagei've seen it first hand :o :o :o :o :o
i wonder if they will think before opening there mouths Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 12:42 pm
by pj1939
Hope he brings it with him some of them dumies are big they get in the way when they fall out the prams Image Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 12:57 pm
by joffmiester
>:( >:( >:( Image Image Image Image Image Imageits a river league Image Image Imageit should be on the river Image Image
LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT HERE ITS NOT A RIVER LEAGUE ITS A WINTER LEAGUE and if the organisers want to put it on the canal thats up to them no one came forward and said i'l go down the deeps or sutton and check the pegs
yet the same people moaned about sutton going in the first match "theres a lot of weed Image Imagethe trees want looking at some pegs you can't fish" Image Imagesuddenly its alright to put 7 sections down there Image Imagethe deeps on wednesday the reeds you sit on were under water how on earth would you put your keepnet in they go 5 metres out Image Image
some people think we do this on purpose i work all week and come the weekend i want the best match we can and i don't call fishing the tip for 5 hours much fun yes one or two will catch bream but most would struggle and then its back to work
these anglers are selfish individuals and are only thinking of there own Gaines

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 1:04 pm
by joffmiester
rant over i'm off to get my kit ready
and go and pegging out  ;)
i wonder if we will get any thanks for that in the morning ::) ::) ::)


soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 1:15 pm
by pj1939
watch the blood pressure toff there not worth it ,im off too taking nicola out for lunch brownie points scored. Image Image :D :D

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 4:49 pm
by scotty85
joff your a star i wouldnt want yours bombers or neils job pegging it .as for the knob heads we should  let them fish the river on there own they would have a great time between them selfs catching crappity smack all and moaning while were getting a few bite .crappity smack um.

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 8:28 pm
by Woodhouse

With the way the rain is coming down at the moment I hope the moaners get there heads from up their arses long enough tomorrow to thank you for making the decision early...some how I doubt it though!

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 8:39 pm
by bill yards
Do you get extra points for moaning in the Soar Valley Winter League or something? Image Image Image Image

If that is right I might fish it myself next year. Image Image Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 8th, 2008, 9:31 pm
by Dodge
Do you get extra points for moaning in the Soar Valley Winter League or something? Image Image Image Image

If that is right I might fish it myself next year. Image Image Image Image

I think this lot would be far better off fishing the WIGAN CANAL Bill Image Image Image Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 9th, 2008, 5:22 pm
by Guest
a joff nice pegging again you put me on dog sh!t ally  Image and the fishing was about as good plus river look fine to me about a foot up and come down . i think we would all have had 10 pound apart from paul.j .... Image just hope we get a full team for the next round .i'v got a plan why done you put the next 1 on the canal . just for fun and as for that bommer bloke  Image Image Image Image bring it on big man  Image

Best regards

Chris Marks.

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 9th, 2008, 5:29 pm
by Guest
joff wot was the result today cheer's chap Image and did bucko kill any more trentmen off Image just hope it not lil pete scott this week cus i like him and he look's gay Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 10:05 am
by joffmiester
Image Image Image Imagewho got it right then Image Imagesunday morning the river was in full flood Image Image


thanks to all the other team for there support and perhaps now its time for the moaners to shut up or go and play on there beloved river
ON THERE OWN Image Imageand leave the rest of us to enjoy the rest of the winter league Image Image

neil bomber and myself will carry on in the same way a decision will still be made fridays Image Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 10:37 am
by bill yards
Well said Joff. crappity smack 'em Image Image Image Image Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 12:49 pm
by joffmiester

as you well know this round was back on the canal we had inch of rain in three hours saturday night and it was forecast Imageso the draw had been done in plenty of time this week
we used the town sections and bishops meadow some said the colour would be really bad ::) ::)but when pegging out it looked a good colour
sunday morning the draw was made and we new what peg set trentmen had got and to be fair our draw was on par yet anything can happen when the canal is coloured Imagefish spread out more plus the wind put pay to a lot of feature pegs i had drawn mark gobfrey in my section so say nomore Image Image Imageits crap i hate the canal Image Imagebut once we had him in is high chair he settled down Imagewith all the cold water that had gone in after the first hour without a bit i began to fear the worest Image Imagebank runners had told me mark had caught some perch so i started another line of choppy and left it for 15 mins before having a go and bingo a bit :otrouble was it was a ruffe Imageso again i started making new lines around my peg knowing that at some time i would come across a few perch on one of them .i did keep my caster lines as well after a few phone calls it looked pretty good ason or two of the team had some bonus fish in there nets yet at our end trentmen were winning i really enjoyed the match as it was nip and tuck between us and trentmen with bennett close behind Image Image
mark would phone me and then i'd phone him a specially when i caught a roach of a pound on half a lobby Imagebut about dinner sport really tailed off and having lost two fish the section was in the balance Image Imageat the weigh in i'd been beat from the end peg Imageand a last gasp perch ffor the long eaton angler ment i was third with mark to weigh bless him he beat me and then started telling me what a good match he'd had ::) ::) ::)top fun between us thou Image Image
the sections that the moaners thought would be too coloured fished the best and a noted chub peg came good for IAN PHILLIPS OF LONG EATON ian had 4 chub upto 4lb and weighed 5kg400g for good win and believe me it was windy down there at the swingbridge ian fished right over to a bush and caught on wom and caster
2nd was ROGER MARLOW LEICESTER SENSAS there's no stopping roger at the minute roger had 4kg750g of roach from bishops
3rd was tied withROB JONES LEICESTER SENSAS AND STEVE OAKS OF WIGSTON BOTH HAD 4KG300G and 5th was PETER MARLOW LEICESTER SENSAS pete had 4kg 200g of roach from off the boats ii think this is why rogers on his toes a bit at the moment Image Image
well it was nip and tuck right up to the last section Image Imagebut TRENTMEN had beat us by 1 point with 34 points and we had 35 points Imagewell done to the TRENTMEN ::) ::)they also knocked us out of the knockout competition on weight Imagebennetts just missed out with one bad result and finished with 39 points

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 12:52 pm
by joffmiester
scotty that comment you made at the end Image Imagewe've beat your lads in seven sections cast your mind back to last week we beat you by 10 points mate Image Imagejust a point mate Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 12:56 pm
by joffmiester
BUCKO i hear you have reduced bicko to a quivering wreck now he cant catch anything Image Imageperch or roach
MAD DOG must think he's got a chance now Image Imagehave you got any trainers in your shop mate i think bicko will need them Image Image

soar valley winter league 2008 first round

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 2:49 pm
by scotty85
joff that comment was only made because you couldnt work out how we had more wieght than you nothing else. Image