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Goodyear match aston ayre

Posted: May 25th, 2008, 5:32 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
Goodyears Match Aston Ayre Quarry Pool.

We had a club match on aston ayre, not many turned up but it fished well considering we didn't have any real gaps and the open fished poor yesterday. We only had 12 and put pegs 4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18 in, you can what I mean about not having any real gaps.

I had an early draw and pulled out peg 16, it is a resonable peg but not great, would have preffered 12,13,14, or 18 on the end but I was confident I'd have a few.

I got to my peg and had wako to my left and JD to my right it wasn't looking good as they both know what they are doing. I only set up three rigs the 10 meter line which I have always caught consistantly on and the 11.5 meter line as they tend to back of after a bit, on th e10 meter line had about 7 foot and about 8 foot on the 11.5 meter line.

I started on the 10 meter line and first chuck wako had a carp about 8lb and lost 1 next cast, After he lost that one i hooked into one and after going of at about 100mph I netted it and it was a small common about 2lb I caught 7 more before it went quiet, including a big ghosty. I went onto the 11.5 meter line and caught a few more but lost a load like everyone else (foul hookers).

I finished up with 18 carp and lost 1 at the net on the whistle (foul hooked in the side), it was going to be close as I had 18 (8 at 10 meters, 9 at 11.5 meters and 1 shallow), tommo had 23 Jd and wako had also had a few fish so it was going to be close.

Wako weighed in first and put 47lbdd on the scales, it was me next and I put 57lb dead, JD had 46lb odd, Gus had 30's and sprucy didn't bother, tommo then weighed 61lb 7 oz to do me and he was on the golden peg, but well done to him, the early pegs didn't fish well due to the weather. It was a crackin match but shame tommo done me again.
1st Steve Thompson 61lb 7oz
2nd JJ Gallagher (me)
3rd John Wakins
4th John Dawes
great venue looking forward to going back there. :)

Goodyear match aston ayre

Posted: May 25th, 2008, 5:40 pm
by Simple
Great report mate. Nice to see you on the forums Image
Wish I had come with you lot today Image

Well done on Second Image Image

Goodyear match aston ayre

Posted: May 25th, 2008, 5:57 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
Thanks should have won it, twice he's done me now in the last two matches there, not good for you today lol :D

Goodyear match aston ayre

Posted: May 26th, 2008, 4:52 pm
by Simple
Get some of the others to sign up on here JJ Image
Watkins looks on here I think Image

Goodyear match aston ayre

Posted: May 26th, 2008, 10:35 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
Will try but with the average age they won't know how to turn on the computer lol. Not sure if they keep me around to keep the average age in double figures or for spare parts lmao :D :D :D