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Willowmarsh, Dragonfly Pool Results.

Posted: July 20th, 2008, 4:19 pm
by Simple

Bugger fishing, I'm gonna take up Kite flying  >:( >:( Image

I bet it wouldn't be windy then. Crap weather  ::)

No pics as I have sold my camera.
Caught all my fish in the last half an hour down the margin except for 2 small carp.
The wind make it very difficult indeed.
Richard drew the same peg he won off last year and had the whole corner to himself  Image
Same with Craggs, opposite corner all to himself  Image

Poor match in my opinion not helped by starting at 9am  Image

Willowmarsh, Dragonfly Pool Results.

Posted: July 20th, 2008, 4:41 pm
by Dave C
Never mind Si there is always next week and the company will be much better. :D
It was the same for us yesterday some people had a sheltered peg and an easy day but most of us couldnt hold a pole at 7 metres Image

Willowmarsh, Dragonfly Pool Results.

Posted: July 20th, 2008, 4:48 pm
by Simple
I broke a Malman Thicko today, well my finger did. Image
I pulled out of a carp and it shot back and hit me in the finger, It snapped half the tip off but I carried on with it and caught the rest of my fish with it :D
I will cut it off square and take a shot off, will do for the margins :D

It bloody hurt, I didn't swear much as Mark Girlfriend was in the next peg Image Image

Willowmarsh, Dragonfly Pool Results.

Posted: July 20th, 2008, 6:54 pm
by Dodge
Did Drynet take any bait with him Image Image Image Image Image

Bet he`s got a stiff neck an all Image Image ;)

Willowmarsh, Dragonfly Pool Results.

Posted: July 22nd, 2008, 10:38 pm
by Simple
Averages Updated......

Averages.... ... rages.html