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woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 8th, 2009, 7:03 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
I hoped today would fish well but wih the last week of weather i wasn't sure :(. We arrived at half 8 and took all the gear up that hill. I drew with my back to the mill pool in the corner with wako for company Image Image then john cunningham on my right (the venue expert). I set up four pole lines 1 at 11.5m to the right then 13m in front a short pole line at 7m and 1 down the edge just in case. I started on the 11.m line and wako had in the first 2 chucks but nobody else had a bite for the first hour.
I had a look on the 13m line and nothing for 30 mins until i picked up a carp about 4lb a couple of others then got 1. Nothing else then for a while after switching baits and lines i decided to focus on the 13m line with the maggot and dump pot the bait in. I then picked up a couple as did wako. With 2 hours left john cunningham caught his first fish and he stuck to the short pole line (7meters) on the corn he then had a good hour where he had 7 carp to put him above everyone. Me and wako had a couple each as did a few others when the wind and rain died down. THen with the last 30mins the wind really got up and almost made it impossible with many packing up 10mins early. Tink didnt catch si Image
1st john cunningham 40lb
2nd tommo 32lb
3rd JJ Gallagher 27lb
4th Barry Lewis 22lb 7oz

woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 8th, 2009, 9:18 pm
by Simple
Cheers JJ and well done Image
Was the water that funny red colour again and was there much water coming on the field??

I knew Tink had a dry un lol . I rang him but he didnt answer then rang me back at the end Image :D :D

woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 9th, 2009, 5:21 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
The water was very clear and the field was very slippy but the water wasn't realy running into the pool it fished better than i expected and if it wasn't for the wind and rain then i think a lot more would have been caught as when it did stop for a bit then a few people had a couple of fish. Tommo had just four fish Image

woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 9th, 2009, 5:25 pm
by Simple
That place seems to fish different each time you go there which is weird as its such a small pool.
I'm glad I never went lol Image
I would have been on my way home after 1hour 22mins Image

I heard that people were saying that I would have gone home if I was there Image Image Image

woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 9th, 2009, 5:46 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
It wasn't me Image
It is strange but we haven't had it in any decent weather yet so i don't know what to make of it Image

woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 5:38 pm
by JJ_Gallagher
Are you coming to boldings on sunday

woodstone manor swallow pool

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 6:11 pm
by Simple
No mate sorry. I am trying to get to the next Greenways match though.

Look forward to your report Image Image