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Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 10:53 pm
by dazt
Turned up with all the beefed up gear for speci lake like most other people only to find we were on the Match Lake !!!!!
I'm not going to comment on what went on but it can only be described as a cock up.

Anyway results went something like this....

1st 74lb odd,
2nd - Mark Douglas, 3oz's short of 1st, unlucky mate. Image
3rd - Bob Cook 61lb odd.

I spend a miserable day bumping F1's on whopper stopper laccy and finished with a lowly 38lb odd. >:(

Oh well, onto Heron Pool at Elmbridge or wherever we are Image

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 12:08 am
by Simple
Who won. What peg, come on lol

Did cooky fall asleep behind anyone this time Image Image

You still did ok Image

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 1:38 pm
I agree with Si Image

How did everyone fish as i've a match on the Match lake in a couple of weeks and have never fished it so could do with A LOT of HELP. :D Image

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by Simple
Its your kind of fishing Malc..... Shallow  Image  Image
Burr bank- Shallow
Cafe bank- Method

There are a lot of lumps in there too that come to the margins.
I have caught on 8 and 10mm white boilie, banded pellets shallow and on the deck. Also corn and small cubes of meat. I have also caught shallow on double caster.
My mate caught a 11lb'er from the margin on meat but he was using white hydro and it took him nearly an hour to get it in  Image Image

The bites are lightning quick and you will need a softish lacky otherwise you end up bumping lots of fish.
I have been using black hydro set loose and also that middy white stuff you put me on to again set loose, does get them in a bit quicker.
Despite the size they fight very well those F1's.

I have also caught on Paste at 5m and as close at your topkit if you can get them that close. I was getting bigger fish on the paste and even had something take me out to the aerator and them bost me  Image Image

I personally want to draw Burr bank around peg 60 to 75  Image Image
Hope the drawing arm is in form  Image

If you draw near the island you want to chuck a light method to the island.
The cafe side is very shallow compared to the burr bank.

Cant think of anything else

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 4:58 pm

Hate F1's but like the sound of the LUMPS. ;)

It'll be my second visit to Larford and if it's anything like the first visit then it'll be my last Image

Shame as it's less than 2 hours from here so i would class it as a "LOCAL" venue. Image Image

Cheers for the info. Image

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 5:11 pm
by me
whats the depths

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 7:58 pm
by Drynet
whats the depths


Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 9:34 pm
by Simple
Image Just make all your rigs 16 meter to hand Si and you will be fine :D Image

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 9:54 pm
by me
is that for the shallow end ?

Larford Lakes - Speci Lake or was it ?

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 10:15 pm
by Simple
It varies Si. about 5 foot at 6 meters on burr On the cafe bank you have to go out a fair way to get that depth.
Just make your rigs with plenty of line and cut down to suit your peg on the day Image