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Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 11:37 am
by TK
Well what a palaver……..

Set out at 7.00am for the 8.00 am draw, knowing that auto route had given a suggested travel time of 58 minutes and I could shave some off that.  8-)

Just toot ling down the last junction of the motorway and the phone rings at 7.45am. It’s Vestie and Ball it Baker – both lost – despite being on the road since 5.30am  Image

5 mins later just as I’m about a mile away from the venue, phone rings again – alls ok they  are there. Arrive at the pool, HaHa is on the blower to Heinzer, Heinzer is lost too, although he’s less than ½ mile away. BDM sorts him with directions and tries to catch up with the latest news re pegging etc.

The reservoir looked to have plenty of weed growth and cover 3 quarters round the pool, the dam wall being the only place really absent of those enticing lily pads.

Word goes round that the resident bailiff had advised that the far bank and north side were the places to be…… didn’t want the dam wall.

Well plenty of pegs to go at – 37 on the pool and KODs put 25 in, only 4 on the dam wall. Pegs start coming and going and Yamo clocks that the low numbers are starting to  ‘disappear’. Bum Draw Master follows……….. peg 21 smack in the middle of the dam.  >:(

Ah well, at least a short walk to a crap peg for a change……usually it’s the longest walk to the crap peg. But the added injustice of being on the scales.  :(

BDM knew to expect around 10-12ft on the long pole line so had bought a pole along that had only seen the light of day twice previously- the reason for choice was that it came with 2 extra top 5’s that would be suited to such depths.

3 rigs were set up, 2 ‘deeps’ in differing line strengths and a relatively ‘shallow rig’ – 6 ft for at the bottom of the concrete ledge.

By the time the whistle had blown the wind had picked up – not quite Blackpool front at the dam end but a fair old chop, whilst the rest of the favoured pegs were like a  mill pond by comparison.

4 babies heads in on the long line for those resident bream and a start on the inside. First put in a silver, then another, then another then a trashed rig after hooking on some unseen snag.

After an hour or so the inside was dying – the little perch were fading quick. Right, time to see if owt had moved onto that initial offering. First put in, a silver followed by sporadic fish, roach and the odd 3oz skimmer.

3 hours in though and that line had died. A further bombardment to try to kick start the peg. The wind was getting stronger and gustier and it was a wrestle with the pole at times. And no fish!!!!!

An hour to go and MGB to BDM’s left calls it a day – a splitting headache from the wind and ripple and he’s had a grueller to boot.

BDM soldiers on, a 14th alteration to shotting and depth pattern snares a sudden burst of 3 silvers in the last 10 mins.

Vestie comes round and owns up to 5lb. BDM thinks he might just do that if he’s lucky, but errs on the side of caution – don’t want to look a fool do you by over guestimating – and suggests he’s got 3lb odd.

Ah well – here’s what you’ve all been waiting for - the results

1. The Wedge 17 – 0 – 0 off peg 11
2. Bum Draw Master 11 – 6 – 0   peg 21
3. Yamo 9 – 6- 0    peg 10
4. The Worminator 6 – 14 – 0  peg 13
5. Geoff C 5 – 8 – 0   peg 4
6. Heinzer 4 – 9 – 0  peg 14

Others that I can recall

Zorro a low 3lb
KOD a big 2lb
HaHa 1lb odd
MGB 8oz

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 3:30 pm
great report tk. was a weird venue,must admit wasnt overly happy with my peg as id prepared for the match on a feeder or waggler and had mixed lots of groundbait prior.but only had about 11m of water to play in. change of attack. started off shallow on maggot and couldnt go wrong, roach rudd up to 10ozs, whilst wedge fed and fed and fed.needless to say my swim dried up as the bream moved in. i caught very sporadically and tried everything to get a bite including 1.1lb oz bottom to no avail. paul wedge had bream crucian and lots of silvers from the inside under his respective trees either side. tried feeding worm myself but olny 1 small skimmer came to play. Last 20mins i went on waggler and caught about a 1lb of small roach. knewing stelath was on the cock bridge peg i felt i might frame and was lucky to get 3rd. well done to wedge and tk

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 4:45 pm
by TK
knewing stelath was on the cock bridge peg

:D :D :D
I'm so glad I drawed that cock dam wall peg being as less than a lb come off the two pegs either side
:D :D :D

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 5:30 pm
by MrV
Nice to see you had some proper fishing lads. Do I see a little line in Yamos reply indicating the Wedge yet again scored well with the worm?? I see a new nick name may be required for Mr Wedge Image
Holidays out of the way now, and looking forward to the Avon. Did I see a post somewhere on holiday saying we now have 2 matches on the Avon?? Image

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 5:49 pm
Got there early' had a walk round the lake' went flat on my wobbly cheeks by peg 13 of all pegs. :'(
Pulled out peg 11 at the draw next to yamo in a corner right opposite the car park (you could see it with binoculars). By the time I got there it was 8.30ish, set my gear up and got my first rig out at 8.50. finally started to feed at 9.15 :(
5 balls of GB at 10m by the weeds in front (nowhere else to go) about 10 feet deep followed by half a pot of choppie and caster, 2 balls to the right at 2m by the tree. started at 10 m line catching perch and roach then a couple of skimmers then it died.
Switch to inside line caught roach, perch and a surprise crucian before bites started to slow so I decided to start a swim to the left at 2m which produced the same as the right but not so many.
Hour to go went back on 10m line had a few decent skimmers then at the whistle I pulled out of my best fish of the day, a bream about a couple of pound just before the net. gutted. :(

Was it:-
1. The extra time plumbing up?
2. Another cock peg?

Answers on a postcard to:-
1 Jammy B.....d close,
Stuffick hunt,
Lucky sodbury.

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 6:03 pm
that bridge was an ideal holding point for shoals of silvers ! it was deicded by the wedge and i thatwe should rename you cock peg kulik :D ;) Image

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 6:57 pm
by Simple
Great reports, sounds like you all had a ballacher Image Image
The Wedge is a bit of a stealth master ain't he Image

Yamo and GT, least you will catch some fish next Sunday, well hopefully Image Image

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 8th, 2007, 9:40 pm
by Mark_Stanaway
Great reports, sounds like you all had a ballacher  Image Image
The Wedge is a bit of a stealth master ain't he  Image

[highlight]Yamo and GT, least you will catch some fish next Sunday[/highlight], well hopefully  Image Image

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 9th, 2007, 5:08 pm
by TK
Yep I was sitting in my quilted bib and brace and jacket with a thick sweatshirt facing into the teeth of a gale (well slight exageration there but I'd still needed the clobber on) whilst you lot on the far bank were in teeshirts topping the tans up in the mill pond

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 10:19 am
Yep I was sitting in my quilted bib and brace and jacket with a thick sweatshirt facing into the teeth of a gale (well slight  exageration there but I'd still needed the clobber on) whilst you lot on the far bank were in teeshirts topping the tans up in the mill pond

you missed a bit TK

Yep I was sitting in my quilted bib and brace and jacket with a thick sweatshirt facing into the teeth of a gale  alongside a bridge feature that was a holding point for shoals of silvers hence my 11lb weight(well slight  exageration there but I'd still needed the clobber on) whilst you lot on the far bank were in teeshirts topping the tans up in the mill pond

;) ;) :D :D Image Image

Curse match 10 - Proper fishing

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 7:48 pm
by TK
Still aint got a clue what you are referring too when you mention a bridge Image Was there a bridge at your end of the pool Image